Module 1 - People

How can I customize to my needs and resources?

The steps in this module will help you to use Social Network Analysis to learn about the key people and relationships that can support implementation of the WSCC model. You may be wondering how you can do this work on top of all your other responsibilities. This module was designed so that you can choose the range and intensity of the activities that you want to complete.

The options listed below build on one another, allowing you to learn slightly more about your social network as you move from Option A to Option C. Compare each option to understand the time, resources, and knowledge or expertise your school or district needs to implement each option and to select the option that is best suited to your needs and capacity.

Decorative dotted line

Select the option that works for you

Option A

Build a roster or list of people from your school or district who can help you implement a healthy school model


1 Week


1 Person to lead activities (1-2 hrs/day)

10-12 People to participate in the roster process


Knowledge about school or district

Comfort using email (or other tool) to engage stakeholders

Ability to enter data in a web form

Ability to manage and analyze data using online tool

Option B

Survey people on the roster to understand how frequently they communicate and the quality of the information they share


1 Month


1 Person to lead activities (1-2 hrs/day)

Minimally 20-30 People to complete the survey


Knowledge about school or district

Comfort using email (or other tool) to engage stakeholders

Ability to enter data in a web form

Option C

Create a network map to visualize the connections among people and the flow of information through the social network


2 Months


1 Person to lead activities (1-2 hrs/day)


Knowledge about school or district

Ability to manage and analyze data using online tool

Comfort presenting results to stakeholders